Sunday, December 12, 2010

What's going on?

Well all I can say is I have no clue whats going on! I'm starting to question when I ovulated, or if I even ovulated at all. I thought I did last week but on Friday I experienced menstrual like cramps through the entire day, my ovulation strip was not positive and my CM was very white and creamy. Even though, my husband and I still BD that evening. Well on Saturday and Sunday I am STILL experiencing menstrual like cramps. I tried googling  it, some women say you can experience implantation cramps and others say theres no such thing. I dont know! But I guess only time will tell. Just wanted to give you all an update! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I hadn't thought of implantation cramping?!? Woo-hoo! How soon until you can take a preggers test?!
