Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Clomid is going...

Clomid started on Friday, November 26th. I don't know what was going on with me but I use to be soooo excited about starting Clomid, but when the day finally came to start taking it I got kind of nervous. I don't know if it started setting in that I actually could get pregnant soon and it just kind of freaked me out a bit or what, but I definatly procrastinated on taking it. It was almost midnight on Friday when I took my first pill. On Saturday I was extremley tired, I slept almost all day and when I did wake up I was starving! I felt like I had never eaten before, I was really that hungry! On Sunday I felt better but was still blah since AF was still visiting. Monday I felt completley normal for the most part, but at one point during the day I was talking with two co workers about taking it and I almost had to hold back some tears as I tried to convince myself the medicine had no ill effects on me, and was not making me act "crazy" what so ever! (haha, yeah right) Today, Tuesday, I started noticing the hot flashes I had heared about. I usually am hot, but I could tell a difference because the moments where I felt hot hit me so quickly and the flashes just shot through my body. Well tonight is my last pill I take for this cycle and I should hopefully ovulate between day 10 and 14. Day 10 will be this Saturday, December 4th. I will start checking for ovulation starting tomorrow and will update this blog with pictures of the OPKs so you can see the line get darker!! *hopefully* Talk to you soon!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My birthday gift!

Well today is November 24th, and it is also my 26th birthday! This evening I got a wonderful gift...my period. Which to many may suck but for me it's great! This means I will be starting clomid on Friday. I am very anxious to see how my first cycle with clomid goes. Another reason I am happy is because this was a 29 day cycle for me. Normally my cycles are about 40-50 days between! I was VERY good about taking all 3 of my metformin pills a day this cycle and I think that's what made a difference...Its hard taking 3 pills a day but I stuck with it and I am happy I did, and I will be continuing it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So, to some women this probably doesn't seem like exciting news, but... my boobs are sore!!! Yipee!!! It does kinda suck because they actually really do hurt, but this means AF is coming! Based on my positive ovulation strip last week my AF is expected to arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday this week, which means I will be starting my first round of clomid this week. I am very eager to start it and hope this will be the answer I've been waiting for as in terms of having a baby. If the first round of Clomid works I could be pregnant by Christmas. I'm trying to stay positive through all of  this but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up. I totally realize there are side effects of Clomid but these are things I am willing to deal with in order to have my dream come true of having a baby. I start Clomid on day 3 of my cycle and take one pill for 5 days. Once I start I will do another post to keep you up to date on side effects and stuff like that! Talk to you soon!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I decided to do another post because I have had the worst past couple of days. Now, one thing I haven't talked about yet is side effects of PCOS. A lot of women with PCOS have symptoms such as weight gain, acne, and facial hair. These are things I have experienced for a while, long before I was ever diagnosed but never knew until recently that some of these things were due from having PCOS. Acne is something I have always dealt with since I was a teenager, but my case of acne has never been what I considered "severe." Well, ever since I started Metformin and my periods have been more regular I'm actually noticing my acne is getting worse! especially around ovulation. I tend to get "cystic" acne, which is like hard nodules under the skin that don't really come to a head. I usually get them on my cheeks. Well last week, I think I ovulated due to what I think was a positive line on a OPK strip and my acne was getting worse. I woke up on Friday morning with what I thought was a huge zit starting to form on my forehead (I never break out on my forehead) I was sooooo bummed out, I know it's vein but getting a break out kind of depresses me. When I got home from work I looked online on how to reduce the size of a zit and I read you should ice it, so I did. When I woke up on Saturday to go to work I noticed it had actually gotten bigger! So I put make up on to try to cover it and styled my side bangs in a way to try to lay on top of the huge bump. I noticed it was also looking kind of scabby, even though I never tried to squeeze it. On Saturday evening my sister and mom came to my house and couldn't believe how swollen it was. My sister told me I should crush up aspirin and mix a little water with it to make it into a paste and apply it directly onto the swollen zit. So I did that for the next two nights. When I got to work today (Monday) one of the doctors I work with told me I should really see a dermatologist to see about getting it injected with cortisone. Luckily, there is a dermatologist in the building where I work so I went down the hall to make an appointment and they got me in a 1 o'clock. The doctor had me lay back and she pressed on it a little bit. She told me she didn't think I should have it injected,  she said she felt more comfortable putting me on an antibiotic since she thought I had cellulitis. At first she prescribed me "Minoclycline" (Not sure if I spelled that right) but after some issues realizing it was not safe for me to be on that considering I'm actively trying to have a baby she switched it to "Clindomycin" which I will be taking 3 times a day for a week. Right now my cellulitis looks like a big ol' scab with a ring of swolleness and redness around it. I will be adding a picture of it for your pleasure! 

Friday, November 12, 2010

What my husband was put on...

In my last post I totally forgot to say what the doctor put my husband on to help his sperm motility. Its called "Conception XR." If anyone has heard of it or has tried it let me know how it helped! Thanks!

How my appointment went...

Hey everyone. So I am just now getting around to updating my blog with the results of how my doctors appointment went on Tuesday. I was really excited to get in for my appointment but really nervous at the same time. My appointment was basically just my annual check up and to discuss potentially going on Clomid, but I was worried my doctor wouldn't put me on Clomid since my husband's semen analysis came back as him having low motility and off morphology. When I went in they checked my weight as well as my blood pressure which the nurse told me was good, it was 124/80. They also dipped my urine which was good as well. When the doctor came in he just asked me if I had any problems going on. I know he has a lot of patients and probably doesn't remember all of their issues so I had to remind him about my situation and my husbands semen analysis results. I told him about how he went to see a urologist and how the urologist didn't seem concerned. My doctor asked me "Did I give you anything to give your husband to help his motility?" and I was like "no" as I was thinking to myself "holy crap, theres something he can take to fix this?!?!?!" So the doctor ran out of the room and came back with a bag full of samples. He told me to have Nick take them and just get his semen analysis done again in 6 weeks to see the improvement. I assumed my doctor wouldn't put me on Clomid until we got the results back of his second semen analysis but when I asked him when he thought would be a good time to try Clomid he replied "now." I was soooooooo excited when he said that. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I really have good feelings about this. I asked him if he saw a lot of women with PCOS get pregnant on Clomid and he said "yes!" So right now I just have to wait till my next period and start the Clomid on day 3 of my cycle. I take a pill once a day for 5 days and then I should hopefully ovulate on day 10-14. He gave me a chart to go off of and told me I could take my temperature to track ovulation but I think I will just stick with my OPKs. I really hate tracking with basal thermometers. You have to get your temp first thing in the morning before you even get up and I always forget to do it before I start getting up and moving around. So right now I am basically just waiting to get my period and then I will update you when I start taking the Clomid to let you know how things are going!! Bye!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What happend next...

So after I got my husbands semen analysis done I was pretty dissapointed. I was expecting everything to be completley normal on his part but it turned out that his motility was low. Motility is extremley important, because the sperm have to have good forward progression in order to meet with the egg and have enough energy to implant the egg. I work at a doctors office and talked about the results with some of the nurses there. They told me Nick was probably going to need to see a urologist to see if he has something called a "varicoscele" (I hope I spelled that right) Basically it's a vein that heats up the sperm and causes them not to mature, slows them down, and could be the reason as to why he has a high number of coiled tail sperm. Once my doctor called me he told me the same thing, Nick needed to see a urologist, so I got on the phone right away and made him an appointment for later that week. I wanted to go with him to the appointment because I had so many questions but because of my work schedule I was unable to attend. After the appointment Nick called me to tell me about it, he said the Dr. did an exam and didn't see a varicoscele. He wanted Nick to get another semen anaylsis done and if the numbers came back as being off again then he wanted him to have an ultrasound done. Other then that the Dr. didn't seem to have any concerns that he wouldn't be able to get me pregnant. He told Nick to start taking a multi vitamin, stick with boxers rather then boxer/briefs, no smoking, and limit alcohol consumption. Nick is pretty healthy so there wasn't too much for him to do on his part. I'm still waiting for Nick to get the 2nd analysis done but it is hard for him to do it. The only place around us that does them is our local hospital and you can only do drop offs from 8am to 11am Monday through Friday and he has to be at work everyday at 7:30 am. I have my gynecology appointment on Tuesday next week so I will get to speak with my doctor about wether or not he is still going to put me on Clomid. I will let you know what happens next week!!

Semen Analysis

So it's been awhile since I last blogged and the last time I wrote my husband was getting ready to get his semen analysis done. Well, he got it done and it's defiantly not what I expected. This is the report...

Liquefaction: >120 minutes
Volume: 2.5 Normal is (1.5-5.0) mL
Viscosity: Normal (Droplets)
Appearance: White, Opaque
pH: 8.0 Normal is (7.3-8.3)
Sperm Count: 96.000 Normal is (20-160) MILLN/ML
%Motility: 20 L Normal is (50-100) %
Motility: Aimless movement with slow forward progression
Normal: 86, the range was (60-100)%
Giant Head: 2, the range was (0-5)%
Amorphous Head: 4, the range was (0-15)%
Pin Head: 2, the range was (0-5)%
Coiled Tail: 3H, the range was supposed to be (0-0)%
Spermatid: 3H, the range was supposed to be (0-0)%