Friday, November 12, 2010

How my appointment went...

Hey everyone. So I am just now getting around to updating my blog with the results of how my doctors appointment went on Tuesday. I was really excited to get in for my appointment but really nervous at the same time. My appointment was basically just my annual check up and to discuss potentially going on Clomid, but I was worried my doctor wouldn't put me on Clomid since my husband's semen analysis came back as him having low motility and off morphology. When I went in they checked my weight as well as my blood pressure which the nurse told me was good, it was 124/80. They also dipped my urine which was good as well. When the doctor came in he just asked me if I had any problems going on. I know he has a lot of patients and probably doesn't remember all of their issues so I had to remind him about my situation and my husbands semen analysis results. I told him about how he went to see a urologist and how the urologist didn't seem concerned. My doctor asked me "Did I give you anything to give your husband to help his motility?" and I was like "no" as I was thinking to myself "holy crap, theres something he can take to fix this?!?!?!" So the doctor ran out of the room and came back with a bag full of samples. He told me to have Nick take them and just get his semen analysis done again in 6 weeks to see the improvement. I assumed my doctor wouldn't put me on Clomid until we got the results back of his second semen analysis but when I asked him when he thought would be a good time to try Clomid he replied "now." I was soooooooo excited when he said that. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I really have good feelings about this. I asked him if he saw a lot of women with PCOS get pregnant on Clomid and he said "yes!" So right now I just have to wait till my next period and start the Clomid on day 3 of my cycle. I take a pill once a day for 5 days and then I should hopefully ovulate on day 10-14. He gave me a chart to go off of and told me I could take my temperature to track ovulation but I think I will just stick with my OPKs. I really hate tracking with basal thermometers. You have to get your temp first thing in the morning before you even get up and I always forget to do it before I start getting up and moving around. So right now I am basically just waiting to get my period and then I will update you when I start taking the Clomid to let you know how things are going!! Bye!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am SUPER excited! Hopefully you will start gaining weight (because you are preggers) and I will keep losing! Love you.
