I decided to do another post because I have had the worst past couple of days. Now, one thing I haven't talked about yet is side effects of PCOS. A lot of women with PCOS have symptoms such as weight gain, acne, and facial hair. These are things I have experienced for a while, long before I was ever diagnosed but never knew until recently that some of these things were due from having PCOS. Acne is something I have always dealt with since I was a teenager, but my case of acne has never been what I considered "severe." Well, ever since I started Metformin and my periods have been more regular I'm actually noticing my acne is getting worse! especially around ovulation. I tend to get "cystic" acne, which is like hard nodules under the skin that don't really come to a head. I usually get them on my cheeks. Well last week, I think I ovulated due to what I think was a positive line on a OPK strip and my acne was getting worse. I woke up on Friday morning with what I thought was a huge zit starting to form on my forehead (I never break out on my forehead) I was sooooo bummed out, I know it's vein but getting a break out kind of depresses me. When I got home from work I looked online on how to reduce the size of a zit and I read you should ice it, so I did. When I woke up on Saturday to go to work I noticed it had actually gotten bigger! So I put make up on to try to cover it and styled my side bangs in a way to try to lay on top of the huge bump. I noticed it was also looking kind of scabby, even though I never tried to squeeze it. On Saturday evening my sister and mom came to my house and couldn't believe how swollen it was. My sister told me I should crush up aspirin and mix a little water with it to make it into a paste and apply it directly onto the swollen zit. So I did that for the next two nights. When I got to work today (Monday) one of the doctors I work with told me I should really see a dermatologist to see about getting it injected with cortisone. Luckily, there is a dermatologist in the building where I work so I went down the hall to make an appointment and they got me in a 1 o'clock. The doctor had me lay back and she pressed on it a little bit. She told me she didn't think I should have it injected, she said she felt more comfortable putting me on an antibiotic since she thought I had cellulitis. At first she prescribed me "Minoclycline" (Not sure if I spelled that right) but after some issues realizing it was not safe for me to be on that considering I'm actively trying to have a baby she switched it to "Clindomycin" which I will be taking 3 times a day for a week. Right now my cellulitis looks like a big ol' scab with a ring of swolleness and redness around it. I will be adding a picture of it for your pleasure!
I am peeing my pants. You have the luck I tell you.