Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Clomid is going...

Clomid started on Friday, November 26th. I don't know what was going on with me but I use to be soooo excited about starting Clomid, but when the day finally came to start taking it I got kind of nervous. I don't know if it started setting in that I actually could get pregnant soon and it just kind of freaked me out a bit or what, but I definatly procrastinated on taking it. It was almost midnight on Friday when I took my first pill. On Saturday I was extremley tired, I slept almost all day and when I did wake up I was starving! I felt like I had never eaten before, I was really that hungry! On Sunday I felt better but was still blah since AF was still visiting. Monday I felt completley normal for the most part, but at one point during the day I was talking with two co workers about taking it and I almost had to hold back some tears as I tried to convince myself the medicine had no ill effects on me, and was not making me act "crazy" what so ever! (haha, yeah right) Today, Tuesday, I started noticing the hot flashes I had heared about. I usually am hot, but I could tell a difference because the moments where I felt hot hit me so quickly and the flashes just shot through my body. Well tonight is my last pill I take for this cycle and I should hopefully ovulate between day 10 and 14. Day 10 will be this Saturday, December 4th. I will start checking for ovulation starting tomorrow and will update this blog with pictures of the OPKs so you can see the line get darker!! *hopefully* Talk to you soon!!

1 comment:

  1. This made me so happy! Yeah! I can't wait to see the pics of the OPK. XO.
