Monday, January 10, 2011

My Prometrium Gift Came!

Wow...Prometrium really works, and fast, a lot faster then I thought it would. Today I felt a little crampy but not too much, and one new thing I experienced was cramping higher up, like around my hip area on both sides? I've never really had that happen before, but when I went to the bathroom I noticed AF had arrived.  So this means my second round of Clomid will be starting in 3 days! I look forward to taking it so I get another chance  at pregnancy but am not looking forward to the sadness that comes a long with it. The Clomid really gives me the downs and the blues, even after I am done taking it, but I know if it works it will totally be worth it! Also, I plan on temping this cycle (and continuing the OPKs) but my thermometer went MIA so I will be purchasing a new one tomorrow. If anyone has any knowledge of the whole temping thing please feel free to leave me some comments and let me know, since this will be my first cycle doing it! Thanks a bunch!


  1. Well you know I take my BBT every morning. So far I haven't noticed any trends when I am allegedly ovulating, but we will see. Love you.

  2. Wow congratulation Great Post KEEP IT UP
    With regards
    Home Check Ovulation Kit
    You can find me by searching on Google HOME CHECK or check my profile
