Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Overdue Update

Today is Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. I'm getting kind of bad at these whole update things but some stuff has been going on since I last posted and while I'm waiting for the hubbs to get home with dinner I've found time to finally post. So on Friday morning, which was Jan. 28th I woke up in the morning, took my shower, and was actually feeling great! I had lots of energy and was ready to start my day. Before I left for work I went to use the bathroom and noticed I was bleeding. Friday was supposed to be cycle day 19 for me. So when I noticed the bleeding I had a slight thought in my head which was "oh my god, could this be implantation bleeding?!" I got in my car to leave for work and within a few minutes I started having bad cramping on my left side. It actually was pretty painful and when I got to work I called my gyn. and left a message for him to call me back. When he did I explained to him what was going on and he told me I could be ovulating. Blood during ovulation? I had never heard of this but I guess you learn something new everyday. This could also explain the only one sided cramping I was experiencing. He also told me I could be post ovulation and I could possibly have a cyst that might have ruptured. He told me no matter which of those two things it could be it was fine and not to worry. On my lunch break I ran across the street to the Rite Aid and got an ovulation predictor kit (since I had left my strips at home) and took one of the tests when I got back to the office. When I did take the test it was a definate negative for ovulation. Later that evening I noticed my cramping was becoming more centralized and the bleeding was becoming more heavy. I thought to myself "WTF? another period?! On what was supposed to be cycle day 19??? I wasnt even getting a period every month and now Im getting one after 19 days after I already had one???" ughhhhhhhhhhhh how frustrating. Now, the issue at this point was I hadn't gotten my Clomid refilled and my pharmacy (which is in my office building and only open Monday thru Friday) was now closed. And if I am supposed to start taking it on day 3 of my cycle then I should have started it on Sunday. So I was pretty much SOL. But to be honest, I really didn't want to start my Clomid again anyway. I literally just stopped it not that long ago and the side effects I had the second cycle on it were much worse then the first cycle. So I went through the whole weekend with bad menstrual cramping and all the great stuff that comes along with aunt flow in town. On Monday I called my doctor again and he was in surgery for the day so he wouldn't be calling me back till today. When he did I told him what was up and he told me not to even bother with Clomid this cycle we will just try again if I get another cycle *meaning if I don't get pregnant this cycle* he told me to defiantly keep "practicing" this month =) So that's where I am now, I can't explain why I got a period so soon after the one before and he didn't explain it either so who knows, I'm assuming it was a mix of hormones and the Prometrium from before! So here's to cycle day 5! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I stopped temping it stressed me out and make me have anxiety. I love you though so much.
